By Corley Randolph May 12, 2020 | 07 min read
History tells us that recoveries matter. Many of the biggest shifts in market share came from downturns when we couldn't see the hands in front of our faces, from the smoke. In these times new industries and new industry leaders have emerged like the Phoenix from the ashes. But, how did it happen?
The world's post COVID-19 business sector will lay heavily on its ability to evolve—in order to thrive. Evolve, does not mean waiting until governance announces open-doors. For some, by then, it will be too late. Nor can it wait for a second wave of CARE support. Again, for some, the second wave of sanctions will not be enough to save it.
There's no way to accurately predict the coming year, let alone the future but one thing's for sure. As sure as the precrime squad in the 2002 blockbuster Minority Report movie, set in the year 2054, virtually eliminated crime in D.C, if you do not have a business plan that's resilient, heavily adaptive, and extremely agile, you must rethink how you interact with your customers.
Without a doubt, leading companies will be defined by their agility to adapt, resilience to be un-shook by unforeseen forces, and their engaging thought-leadership predictions. As this sounds fine for many large organizations, small businesses can also emerge, scarred, but intact. The advantage is, their unique agilities to learn, cross-train, share support, and partner up. In some cases, they're used to existing on skeleton-teams and budgets, and can also turn the entire culture-ship, on a dime. With this ship analogy, you can see how many large organizations—with the wrong culture—may be at disadvantage. The epic 1997 romance-disaster Titanic proved this with the resounding last words of its watchtower shipmate after seeing the iceberg in the distance "Pick up you bastards! Iceberg ahead." Even with forewarning, the large ship could not, in time, prevent its demise, to save itself, and those on board it.
In order for both large and small organizations to emerge, they must redefine how they think strategically. The traditional strategic planning models can be all but excused from the boardroom making way for a more collaborative approach.
This is where FRAMEWORKS provides the strategic difference, deploying our best assets to empower and inform your organizational pivot not only to survive these types of challenges, but to thrive by leveraging the opportunities they present.
Let's work together to build your COVID-19 roadmap Call or email us to book your free consultation. Stay safe, and we'll see you soon.
Corley Randolph CEO FRAMEWORKS